
headspace is a place where young people who are going through a tough time can get support. They provide a safe and confidential environment for young people to access services across four areas:

  • physical health

  • mental health

  • alcohol and other drugs support

  • work and study assistance

Visit the webpage for more information about Wagga Wagga headspace.
Visit the webpage for more information about Griffith headspace.

Eligibility: Young people aged 12-25 who are at risk of, or experiencing, mental health issues.

Cost: All services are fully funded

Wagga Wagga – Relationships Australia
Griffith – Centacare South West NSW

Location: The Centres are located in Wagga Wagga and Griffith and provide limited outreach to other areas.

How to access the service: GPs can send referrals or mental health treatment plans directly to the headspace centre.

Self-referrals are welcome. Contact the centre on the numbers below or following the links above to access the referral form and email address to send it to.

Wagga Wagga – Phone: 1800 856 572
Griffith – Phone: 02 6962 3277