Disaster Support for Health Professionals

Natural disasters are part of the Australian climate and landscape. In recent years, the devastating drought, bushfires and floods in the Murrumbidgee region and beyond have had an enormous impact on our local communities. These natural disasters and health emergencies, such as COVID pandemic, can also pose a risk to the business continuity of primary health providers.

This webpage was developed to equip health care providers with useful resources and information to support their preparedness and response to disasters.

* This website provides access to resources and assistance for people in the Murrumbidgee. Other supports may be available and not necessarily reflected on this website. For further assistance, resources and support in the event of a natural disaster or emergency please contact the team at MPHN.

Prepare & Plan



Prepare & Plan

Primary healthcare providers play a vital role in providing appropriate and timely patient care in an emergency. Planning and preparedness for emergencies can ensure people can access help from general practitioners for their primary healthcare issues, which reduces pressure on acute care services (hospitals).

Some tips to help your practice prepare for an emergency or disaster include:

  • Test run your plan on a regular basis (e.g. create and test mock emergency scenarios)

  • Contact other local primary healthcare providers to connect and offer mutual support.

  • Have a communication plan in place to disseminate information about service disruptions or changes, to your patients, MPHN, RACFs and allied healthcare providers.

  • Refer to Murrumbidgee HealthPathways: Rural Health and Disaster Support

Take advantage of relevant training opportunities:

Other useful information and resources:

Health professionals available to provide support.

MPHN is establishing a register of GPs, practice nurses, practice managers, administration staff and other primary health care providers willing to assist in an emergency/disaster situation. These volunteers would be contacted in the event of a disaster to provide assistance at a designated general practice or evacuation centre.

If your organisation/practice has the capacity to provide additional support to natural disaster affected regions, whether in person or remotely, please complete the form at the link below.


MPHN prides itself on having a strong relationship with the general practices and primary care providers in the Murrumbidgee area. We work closely with general practices, healthcare professionals, the Murrumbidgee Local Health District- (MLHD), Residential Aged Care Homes and local communities to respond to the medical care needs and improve health outcomes of people living in the Murrumbidgee. In an emergency, demand for healthcare services can significantly increase, impacting and often disrupting a day-to-day practice operation.

MPHN is here to help you with some of the challenges that you may encounter:

  • MPHN Primary Care Engagement Team are your first point of contact. Through the ongoing liaison with other MPHN teams and external stakeholders they will provide you with assistance, resources and support to help your practice get back on track.

  • MPHN Digital Health Team can also be contacted for any Digital Health related assistance. More information and contact details are available at Digital Health/eHealth.

  • Murrumbidgee HealthPathways is a web-based portal with condition-specific ‘pathways’ to support clinicians with assessment, management and local referral information.

  • MPHN Communications Team can assist you in disseminating specific messaging and change of circumstances (eg site, operational hours etc) through our weekly e-newsletters and social media channels. They can also assist in communicating about recovery and evacuation sites in your area, emergency contacts and available support services.

Please note: Follow the advice of first responding lead agencies at all times!

Keep up to date with relevant alerts and warnings during a disaster


Recovery after natural disasters and other emergencies is a complex and long running process, often requiring the physical rebuilding of infrastructure, but also the restoration of physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Health professionals play a critical role in supporting individuals and communities to get back to health.

MPHN is here to support you and your community in the recovery journey:

  • Trauma specific counselling service (providing extra counselling services through Government funding packages and commissioning)

  • Mental Health supports – MPHN commissions a range of mental health services and is committed to ensuring people receive the right services, at the right time and in the right place.

  • GP Psychiatry Support Line – GPs can access a free psychiatry advice line to help manage the care of patients with mental health concerns. The GP Psychiatry Support Line gives GPs direct and timely access to a psychiatrist, allowing patients whose conditions are treatable within primary care, to stay under the care of their GP. To access the service, visit www.gpsupport.org.au or call 1800 16 17 18

  • Grant funding packages to assist impacted communities with the recovery process – see Grants page for any available packages

  • Represent general practices in the regional recovery committees

  • Assist in promoting services available through our electronic newsletters and social media channels.

Care and support for health professionals

Health professionals are often on the frontline of disasters, witnessing the physical and emotional impacts of these events whilst attending to the health needs of their communities. It is important that during these times, you remember to take care of your wellbeing. There are a number of services specifically designed to support health professionals, some of these services are listed below:

 Training and Resources