Murrumbidgee HealthPathways

HealthPathways is an online decision support tool designed for general practice and primary care teams, to be used at the point of care. It provides information on how to assess and manage medical conditions, and how to refer patients to local specialists and services in the most timely way.

  • MBGHP is designed to be used by a local healthcare professional . However it is also available to healthcare professionals across the state for use within their scope of practice.  

    MBGHP is not designed to be used by the general community. Depending on the specific pathway, relevant patient resources are available on the portal for health professionals to offer to patients.  

  • If you are a health-care  professional in the Murrumbidgee region and would like to access the MGBHP website, please register for access via the Portal. 

    How to:

  • The benefits of using MBGHP are:

    • more patients getting the right treatment or specialist care with reduced waiting time

    • support with information on appropriate referral and pre-referral work up

    • more relevant educational resources for patients available to clinicians

    • enhance clinical knowledge to promote best practice care using evidence based HealthPathways

    • ensure consistent care and management of health conditions

    • increase patient management in primary and community care settings

    • clinician engagement in identifying system problems and solutions.

  • Using CPD Reporting, clinicians can:

    • View an automatic log of their time in HealthPathways.

    • Select specific logs relevant to their CPD, and add reflections and learning notes.

    • Generate a PDF report for easy submission to CPD organisations.

    • Enjoy secure storage of all CPD data within their individual HealthPathways account.

    • Privacy: Time recorded in HealthPathways is private and only viewable by the clinician logged into their individual HealthPathways account.

    For step-by-step guidance, check out the instructional video: CPD Reporting

  • Smart Search is an AI-enhanced alternative to the existing search function in HealthPathways.

    It helps clinicians find precise information faster when it matters most – at the point of care. It frees up precious time and maintains the natural flow of the consultation, so clinicians can spend more time focusing on their patients and less time searching for information.

  • The HealthPathways program in the Murrumbidgee region is governed and financed largely by the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network. The program also works closely with the Murrumbidgee Local Health District.

    The Murrumbidgee HealthPathways Steering Committee provides strategic direction for the Murrumbidgee HealthPathways program

    The HealthPathways team includes GP Clinical Editors, Clinical Coordinators and a GP Clinical Lead.

  • If you are a GP, medical specialist, nurse, allied health or other health care practitioner who would like to suggest a clinical area or condition for a new pathway, please contact the Murrumbidgee HealthPathways team via

    Clinical Working Groups (CWGs) consisting of specialists, GPs, allied health and key stakeholders, are established to identify issues affecting patient care in a particular service area. They propose solutions to issues identified, and while CWGs do not write or sign off on pathways, they will review or comment on them. If you are interested in getting involved please email the HealthPathways team

    Contibute to the healthcare community by being a subject matter expert. The guide for subject matter experts gives a snap shot of what is expected of an SME. Please contact the Murrumbidgee HealthPathways team via if you would like to discuss opportunities you are interested in.

    Contribute as a clinical editor and create pages you are interested in and have found a need for our community. Please contact the Murrumbidgee HealthPathways team via if you would like to discuss opportunities.


Request a visit or online training from the MBGHP Team

General practice, nurses, allied health and pharmacy teams, commissioned services, MLHD and other health and social care services can request a visit or online training from the Murrumbidgee HealthPathways team who will provide an overview of the HealthPathways program and website, and a demonstration of how to use the website.

Olivia D’Souza
02 6923 3109

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