
Disaster Support for Murrumbidgee communities

Natural disasters are part of the Australian climate and landscape. In recent years, the devastating drought, bushfires and floods in the Murrumbidgee region and beyond have had an enormous impact on our local communities.

Prepare & Plan

Being prepared for an emergency means having a plan to protect yourself, your loved ones, and the most valuable belongings.

The Australian Red Cross has a range of practical resources and useful emergency management information.

Some tips to help you and your family prepare for an emergency or disaster include:


MPHN works closely with general practices, other healthcare professionals, RACFs and local communities to respond to medical care needs and improve health outcomes of people living in the Murrumbidgee.

Keep up to date with relevant alerts and warnings during a disaster

 For medical help:

 If your usual doctor or pharmacy is not available:

For Mental Health support:

For crisis support please contact:

  • Murrumbidgee AccessLine 1800 800 944

  • Lifeline 13 11 14

  • Emergency services 000 or your nearest emergency department

  • 13YARN 13 92 76 – 24/7 crisis support for the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people

For a list of additional services and resources check MPHN Mental Health page.


Recovery after natural disaster and other emergencies is a complex and long running process, often requiring the physical rebuilding of infrastructure, but also the restoration of physical, social and emotional wellbeing.


Resources for First Responders