Health Needs Assessments

Health Needs Assessment 2025 

MPHN has taken all steps to ensure the information in these profiles are as accurate as possible and correct at time of report.

MPHN does not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from, or connected to, the use of any material contained in these profiles.

MPHN recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to use of these profiles.

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network Profile

MPHN’s regional profile reports on aspects of health in the Murrumbidgee where the data sits in the bottom third of all 31 Australian PHN’s. The databook provides a comprehensive report on social and health related data throughout the region.

MPHN Region: Profile

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Profile


Local Government Area Profiles

MPHN LGA profiles demonstrate the highest impact of demographic and health conditions within the LGA. Technical notes at the end of each LGA databook describe how MPHN identifies these high impact variables.

Berrigan LGA: Profile

Bland LGA: Profile

Carrathool LGA: Profile

Coolamon LGA: Profile

Cootamundra-Gundagai LGA: Profile

Edward River LGA: Profile

Federation LGA: Profile

Greater Hume LGA: Profile

Griffith LGA: Profile

Hay LGA: Profile

Hilltops LGA: Profile

Junee LGA: Profile

Lachlan LGA: Profile

Leeton LGA: Profile

Lockhart LGA: Profile

Murray River LGA: Profile

Murrumbidgee LGA: Profile

Narrandera LGA: Profile

Snowy Valleys LGA: Profile

Temora LGA: Profile

Wagga Wagga LGA: Profile

To access the 2022 Profiles and Databooks, click here.
To access the 2018 Profiles and Databooks, click here.

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