Murrumbidgee Local Response Group secures top honours at NSW LiFE Awards
Wellways Acting NSW/ACT General Manager Zoe Evans joined MPHN’s Suicide Prevention Regional Response Coordinator Seryn Adams to accept the Communities in Action Award on behalf of the Murrumbidgee Local Response Group at the NSW LiFE Awards in Sydney.
The Murrumbidgee Local Response Group, a collaborative effort involving Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN), Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), NSW Police, NSW Ambulance and Wellways, has clinched a prestigious accolade at this year's NSW LiFE Awards, hosted by Suicide Prevention Australia.
The ceremony, held in Sydney on Monday 4 March 2024, saw the Murrumbidgee Local Response Group honoured with the Communities in Action Award, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to suicide prevention. This accolade highlights the group's dedication to ensuring timely, coordinated, and effective responses to suicide events and critical incidents.
MPHN Acting CEO Narelle Mills said this achievement recognises the importance of collaboration when supporting communities impacted by suicide.
‘The Local Response Group was formed because we recognised there was a need in the Murrumbidgee for a collaborative and coordinated aftercare approach to providing impacted people with support,’ Ms Mills said.
‘It’s a unique group of government and non-government agencies working together to ensure the right supports are in place in a timely manner, rather than having a series of agencies providing ad hoc supports.
‘This award will allow us to set a benchmark and showcase the positive impact that can be achieved through collaboration.’
Wellways Acting NSW/ACT General Manager Zoe Evans, who travelled to Sydney with MPHN’s Suicide Response Coordinator Seryn Adams to accept the award on behalf of the group, said the accolade showcases the positive impact that can be achieved through collaboration with various partners and the community.
‘With a collaborative approach we can provide carefully tailored support for impacted families and the wider community, and in doing so, prevent further loss of life,’ Ms Evans said.
‘I’m so proud of this achievement and as a group we’re going to further develop and build on our support for suicide prevention and aftercare across the Murrumbidgee.’
The Murrumbidgee Local Response Group take a whole-of-region approach, bringing together representatives from the Department of Education, Catholic Education, community-managed organisations, youth services, peaks, specialist services and others at times of responses. Their tailored approach, including social media outreach, collaboration with Mindframe for media liaison, and bereavement information sessions, have had a significant impact on supporting affected communities.
The group also received two nominations for the Outstanding Contribution Award, in recognition of their Frontline Guide and STOP Campaign. These two initiatives have played a pivotal role in advancing suicide prevention and aftercare strategies and resources across the region.
The LiFE Awards, organised by Suicide Prevention Australia, aim to celebrate and amplify initiatives that break new ground in suicide prevention, providing a platform to share best practices and solutions.
The Murrumbidgee Local Response Group can be contacted by emailing
For more information about the NSW LiFE Awards, visit