Agreement consolidates Murrumbidgee’s one health system
Health outcomes for the region’s population received a boost after Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) and Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) signed a Collaborative Agreement in Wagga Wagga this week.
The agreement formalises a history of cooperation between the two organisations and comes after the MPHN and MLHD boards met in late 2022 to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the region’s health care system.
MPHN’s firsthealth Board Chair Dr Jodi Culbert said the agreement would enable a united approach to addressing the poorer health outcomes and challenges faced by people in rural and regional areas when accessing health services.
MPHN Chief Executive Officer Melissa Neal, MPHN’s firsthealth Board Chair Dr Jodi Culbert, MLHD Board Director Adrian Lindner, and MLHD Chief Executive Jill Ludford at the Collaborative Agreement signing on 6 November 2023.
“MLHD and MPHN are committed to working together to implement NSW and federal government healthcare reforms and activities, and to advocate for local change when required,” Dr Culbert said.
“In fact, for several years, both organisations have worked together at the highest of levels to ensure people in the Murrumbidgee have access to quality and coordinated healthcare regardless of where they live. The relationship has grown and cascaded down through both organisations into an advanced and mature model.
“As MLHD and MPHN continue to collaborate, we believe the joint activities, initiatives, and projects we undertake will support a more sustainable health system, reduce fragmentation, and provide people with a more coordinated journey through the health system that meets their needs.”
Three key focus areas will guide the MPHN and MLHD collaboration activity:
Enhance collaboration to optimise use of the health workforce and support wellbeing of providers.
Identify, review, and develop models of care that enhance coordination, efficiency, and patient experience.
Facilitate joint information, data sharing and planning to understand and improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.
MLHD Board Chair Glynis Ingram said collaboration and partnership between both organisations was key to implementing government reforms and activities.
“The unique partnership between MLHD and MPHN is critical to meet the needs of our communities – both those accessing and providing care,” Ms Ingram said.
“We know when we work collaboratively together, we have the opportunity to create efficiencies, innovations and streamline healthcare journeys for patients, which ultimately leads to improvements in health outcomes for people.
“This Collaborative Agreement formalises the existing partnership and strong commitment between both organisations to work towards a shared vision of one health system for the Murrumbidgee.”