MPHN preparing updated Health Needs Assessment for the region — Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network

MPHN preparing updated Health Needs Assessment for the region

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is seeking community and consumer feedback over the coming months as it prepares an updated Health Needs Assessment (HNA) for the Murrumbidgee region.

The 2022-2024 HNA for the region will be determined by the data and information provided through the two online surveys – one mini two-question and one in-depth community surveys; and the Conversations on the Couch events.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said all community members are encouraged to share their thoughts on what is important to them about health, and what improvements could be made, in order to ultimately improve the health outcomes of the region.

“Every three years we look at the various sources of information available to us about the health of our region including data and feedback from community, to help us identify any new or emerging needs for us to consider as we plan our activity,” Ms Neal said.

As part of the campaign, MPHN representatives will visit several towns across the region to have casual ‘Conversations on the Couch’ with community members and health professionals.

“These conversations enable people to talk to us and help us plan for future services so that all Murrumbidgee people achieve the best health outcomes,” Ms Neal said.

The HNA Community Feedback surveys will commence in March, with people living in Hilltops, Cootamundra-Gundagai and Snowy Valleys Local Government Areas encouraged to provide their feedback.

“HNA Community Feedback is a great opportunity for people to share their thoughts and views on how we can reduce risk factors and improve the health of everyone in the community,” Ms Neal said.

Each month between March and August this year, the HNA Community Feedback campaign will focus on up to three neighbouring LGAs each month, with one location within these hosting Conversations On The Couch. The full schedule is as follows:

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People are encouraged to head to to submit their feedback during the relevant month. To stay up to date with all the HNA Community Feedback news, follow MPHN on Facebook or Twitter @MurrumbidgeePHN.